The brief...

Stagnant Amazon Sales

Despite a long-standing presence on Amazon, Slice’s sales were performing below expectations. WrightObara were approached to review existing content and put in place a plan to boost sales. As well as updating product listings, we were tasked to create an Amazon brand site and an effective advertising strategy that wouldn’t break the bank.

The process...

Expertise in amazon optimisation

We used a suite of tools to analyse the existing product listings. After reviewing the results, we created a plan to optimise all text, images and video, to ensure each product ranked well within the Amazon platform. We also created bespoke A+ content for each product page. A comprehensive advertising strategy was put in place to ensure Slice products were top of mind at the point of purchase.

The result...

dramatic increase in sales

Each product listing received a substantial makeover, new headlines and copy were written, new images created and effective adverts implemented. These combined to create an increase in sales within the first six months of over a staggering 1000%. These impressive sales figures have been maintained or increased ever since. Understandably Slice have been delighted with the upturn in Amazon sales.

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Lower Park Barn
Chilton Business Centre
HP18 9LS

Tel: +44 (0)20 80 92 92 79